Gender inequalities are evident in many aspects of life; and, by extension, the same applies in positions of leadership. The purpose of “Women Making Waves: Enhancing Female Leadership Skills” European project was to empower women to pursue their career trajectories in leadership.
The final conference of Women Making Waves project took place in Ayukeri of Iceland, where partner representatives presented the finalized project results.
Discover the Women Making Waves Project
Women Making Waves is an Erasmus+ project designed to contribute to women empowerment, with primary focus on disadvantaged women and career progression. In particular, the partnership set leadership skills and awareness in the epicenter of this initiative.
Discover Women Making Waves project in the official website of the project.
The Final Conference of Women Making Waves and the Presentation
Specifically, in the final conference of Women Making Waves, the strategic partnership made a presentation of the delivered results.
Women Making Waves Competence Framework (IO1)
The first intellectual output was the creation of a framework of female leadership competences for disadvantaged women.
Women Making Waves training programme – Enhancing Female Leadership Skills (IO2)
Secondly, the partnership developed a training programme intended to reinforce self-belief and confidence of women.
Leader Circles (IO3)
The leader circles output are sessions of small groups, with the purpose of promoting:
- Awareness of the self.
- Being confident.
- Employability knowledge
- Opportunities pertinent to business and leadership.
Women Making Waves E-learning Academy (IO4)
Furthermore, the consortium developed an additional resource of material by creating an e-learning platform. online dr that will prescribe phentermine
Policymakers Guide “Women Making Waves – Enhancing Female Leadership Skills” (IO5)
Finally, the project concluded with the production of a policy guide on women leadership.
Undoubtedly, Women Making Waves materialization corresponds to a productive partnership with genuine interest in women empowerment. Furthermore, all partners contributed with their expertise to the production of meaningful and quality results.
Discover the full extent of Women Making Waves project, here.